Broadwater Rod and Gun Club

Bow Hunter Training
A Montana bow and arrow license, plus the proper Montana hunting license, is required if you want to bow hunt during any special archery season. To purchase a bow and arrow license, you must:
Show a certificate of completing the National Bowhunter Education Foundation (NBEF) course from Montana or any other state or provincee; or
Show a prior years bow hunting/archery, tag, permit or license from any state or province. If you cannot produce this license, you may sign an affidavit, at any FWP license provider, stating that you previously purchased such a license.
Note: All bow hunters born after January 1, 1985 must also show proof of completing a hunter education program.
The NBEF course is offered 1-2 times a year in Townsend, courtesy of the Broadwater County Rod and Gun Club, the Montana Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MDFWP) and the NBEF. Students must be a minimum of 11 years of age at the time of the course. The course is provided free to the students. The schedule for the courses in the area can be obtained at Prospective students can register online at the same location. An online course is available to hunters 18 years old and older at
In general, the course will be conducted at the Broadwater County Rod and Gun Club indoor range over 4 evenings, 3 hours per evening, for a total of 12 hours of instruction. Topics include:
1. Introduction to Bowhunting
2. Wildlife Conservation
3. Safe and Responsible Bowhunting
4. Equipment
5. Preparation Before the Hunt
6. Bowhunting Techniques
7. Shot Placement and Recovery
8. Outdoor Preparedness
In order to pass the course, students must:
1. attend classes
2. pass a written test
3. pass a field test
4. demonstrate proper attitude and conduct, responsibility and ethics
If you have any questions concerning bow hunter education in general, please contact the MDFWP. For local information on courses available in Broadwater County,
contact Mark Natale at